
How to Understand Your Electricity Bill in Malaysia

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This post was updated in January 2016.

If you would like to view the older version of the TNB Bill (and the older version of this article), see below or click here.

Have you had trouble understanding and reading your Tenaga Nasional electricity bill in Malaysia? No worries. We’ve broken down the key components and translated the terms into English for you. The English translation appears in parentheses next to the Malay words.


1. Bill & Tax Details

  • No. Akaun: (User account number)
  • No. Kontrak: (Contract)
  • Deposit: This refers to the estimated total charge for the month.
  • No. Invois Cukai: (Tax invoice number)

2. Customer’s Details

  • The customer’s name and address are stated here.

3. Current Bill

  • Jumlah Perlu Dibayar: (Amount payable)
  • Tunggakan (Outstanding Balance).  This is the amount that you have yet to pay. If payment has been made, kindly ignore it as the new bill could have been printed before the system was updated.
  • Caj Semasa: (Current charges). This refers to the total current charges as calculated at Item 7, as well as credit/debit adjustments, additional deposit and any surcharge for late payment.
  • Pengenapan: (Rounding Up).  This is the existing policy for rounding as determined by the Government.
  • Jumlah Bil (Total Bill).   This is the amount of electricity consumed inclusive of miscellaneous charges, penalty, outstanding balance, additional deposit and total previous estimated adjustment (if any).

4. Previous Bill

  • Bil Terdahulu (Previous Bill).  This contains details of the previous bill which you would have received before the new bill is issued.
  • Bayaran Akhir (Recent Payment).  This is the most recent payment you made.

5. Type of Meter Reading

  • Bacaan Sebenar: (Actual Reading). This means that the reading was taken at the actual premise.
  • Anggaran Keseluruhan: (Total Estimate). This means the that the total is estimated based on average consumption over the last six months.
  • Bacaan Anggaran: (Estimated Reading). This means that an actual reading was not taken because the TNB meter at the premise was inaccessible.

6. Billing Period

  • Tempoh Bil: (Billing Period). This is the duration between the recent bill and previous month’s bill.
  • Tarif: (Fare). This refers to the electricity category of your premises.  This relate to residential, business, industrial, or other purposes.
  • Fakta Prorata: (Prorated Factor). This refers to the ratio of billing period to the number of days in the month the bill was issued.
    • For example:
      Billing period: 36 days
      Number of days in the month (April): 30 days
      Prorated factor: 36/30 = 1.2

7. Current Billing Details

  • Blok Tarif (kWh): (Consumption Block). This is a record of consumption based on blocks that have been gazetted in the tariff structure which is calculated by multiplying the relevant consumption block with the prorated factor.
  • Kadar: (Rate). This is the rate imposed on each consumption block.  If you consume less than 400 units monthly, the tariff charges for the first 200 units is at .218 Ringgit per unit.   The subsequent 100 is charged at .3340 Ringgit per unit, and so on.
  • Amaun: (Amount). This is calculated by multiplying the rate with the relevant consumption block.
  • Jumlah (Total).  This is the result of the consumption times the rate, for the entire billing period.

8. Current Billing Charges

  • Kegunaan [kWh]: (Usage). This refers to amount of of electricity consumed in kWh and the charges.
  • Tidak Kena GST: (No GST Charged). The first 300 units of electricity is zero-rated GST.
  • Kena GST: (GST Charged). GST is charged on the for usage of over 300 units.
  • Jumlah: (Total). This refers to the total units consumed and the total charges.
  • Kegunaan Bulan Semasa: (Current Month Consumption). This is the total charges excluding GST and renewable energy fund.
  • 6% GST: Total GST charged relevant consumption blocks.
  • KWTBB: (Funds for Renewable Energy). This is the calculation of the 1.6% surcharge on total consumption charges for the current billing period. This amount is forwarded tot he Government or the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA). There is no GST on this.
  • Caj Semasa: (Current charges). This refers to the total current charges inclusive of GST and KWTBB.

9. Meter Reading

  • No. Meter: (Meter Number)
  • Bacaan Meter: (Meter Reading)
    • Dahulu: (Previous Reading)
    • Semasa: (Current Reading)
  • Kegunaan: (Usage). This refers to the total amount of electricity consumed in the billing period.
  • Unit: This refers to the unit of measurement used.
  • Subsidi Bahan Api Dibiayai Kerajaan Persekutuan: (Feul Subsidy by Federal Government)

10. TNB’s Details

  • Company address of TNB
  • GST Registration number of TNB

The old version of the TNB Bill

(Note: Parts of the electricity bill have been censored in red to protect the individual’s identity associated with the electricity bill.)


  1. Account Details
  • No. Akaun Pengguna (User Account Number).
  • Kontrak (Contract).
  • Tarif (Fare). This refers to the electricity category of your premises.  This relate to residential, business, industrial, or other purposes.
  • Jumlah Cagaran (Total Collateral).
  • No. Bil (Bill Number)
  1. Bill & Payment
  • Keterangan (Explanation)
    • Bil Akhir (Previous Bill).  This contains details of the previous bill which you would have received before the new bill is issued.
    • Bayaran Akhir (Recent Payment).  This is the most recent payment you made.
  • Tarikh (Date)
  • Jumlah (Total)
  • Kod (Code)
  • Tarikh Kemaskini (Last Updated).  This is the date they last updated your previous payment before issuing a new bill.
  1. Current Bill
  • Caj (Charges)
    • Blok Kegunaan Elek (Block use of electricity)
  • Unit (Unit).  This is the split of usage according to the tariff block.
  • Kadar (Rate). This is the rate imposed on each consumption block.  If you consume less than 400 units monthly, the tariff charges for the first 200 units is at .218 Ringgit per unit.   The subsequent 100 is charged at .3340 Ringgit per unit, and so on.
  • Jumlah (Total).  This is the result of the consumption times the rate.
  • Jumlah Bil Bulan Semasa  (Recent Total Bill Amount).  This is the total chargeable amount that you have to pay based on the consumption of electricity at your premise.
  1. Other Charges
  • Pelbagai (Miscellaneous). This is the credit given or extra charges imposed, such as credit payment, cash deposit rebate and excess or inadequate bill.
  • Penalti (Penalty).  This is the fine of 1% imposed on a monthly basis upon late payment of current charges and/or outstanding balance after 30 days.
  • Tunggakan (Outstanding Balance).  This is the amount that you have yet to pay. If payment has been made, kindly ignore it as the new bill could have been printed before the system was updated
  • Cagaran Tambahan (Additional Deposit).  This will be imposed automatically when the usage is increased. The amount is the difference between the new and the existing deposit.
  1. Bill Amount
  • Jumlah Bil (Total Bill).   This is the amount of electricity consumed inclusive of miscellaneous charges, penalty, outstanding balance, additional deposit and total previous estimated adjustment (if any).
  • Penggenapan (Rounding Up).  This is the existing policy for rounding as determined by the Government.
  • Jumlah Perlu Dibayar (Total Amount Due).  This is the total bill after the rounding up is done.
  1. Meter Reading
  • Dahulu (Previous).  This is the meter reading as of the previous date.
  • Semasa (Current).  This is the meter reading as of the present date.
  • Kod (Code). This is the type of meter reading.
    • N – Normal
    • S – Special
    • A – Average
    • E – Estimate
    • F – Final (Vacation)
  • Kegunaan (Usage).  This is the total electricity consumed
  • Unit (Unit).  This is the measurement of electricity in kWh.
  1. Billing Date
  • Dahulu (Previous).  This is the date of the previous reading.
  • Semasa (Current).  This is the date of the recent month.
  • Bil. Hari (Number of Days).  This is the duration between the recent bill and previous month’s bill.
  1. Total Amount Due
  • Jumlah Perlu Dibayar (Total Amount Due).  This is the total bill after the rounding up is done.


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