
Guide to Uploading Videos to YouTube

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One primary reason people use YouTube is to upload video content.  Most people who upload videos to YouTube fall into one of three categories: professional, hobbyist,  or new media specialist.

The professional produces the high quality content, which may include famous music videos, corporate commercials, movie trailers, or other high quality content.  The hobbyist typically used YouTube to upload videos for personal interest reasons, such something funny recorded on his or her smartphone.  The new media specialist is the person typically seizing the opportunity that YouTube provides: a free video distribution channel to reach some of the hundreds of millions of people using YouTube.


YouTube Video Upload Process

If you want to create and upload a video to YouTube, here are five essential steps to remember:

  1. Shoot and Edit Video: Shoot video footage with your camera and edit the video for how you would like it to be watched.  There are many different video editing softwares available from professional to consumer.  Even YouTube offers a basic editing program.  Some professional video editing software include, Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro.  Some consumer video editing software include Windows Live Movie Maker and iMovie.
  2. Make a Digital Video Output: You need to make a digital format of the video with the right specs so you can upload it onto YouTube, which you will do through YouTube’s website.  You can learn about these specs on YouTube’s Supported YouTube Formats page.
  3. Upload Video to YouTube: Once you have the correct specs, you can upload your video to YouTube.  You can upload your video directly at YouTube’s website.  The upload button is typically visible at the top of all the websites’s pages.
  4. YouTube Compresses Video: Compressing the video on the YouTube site is an important step because many people think that the digital format they upload is the format that is saved to YouTube’s servers and the format played by the viewres.  That is not correct.  Once you click upload, YouTube will compress your video to optimize it for people to watch it through the internet.  This means a goal for uploading video is to preserve maximum quality because your video will get compressed.  To preserve maximum quality, follow the advice on YouTube’s Simple Ecoding Tip’s page.
  5. Enter Meta Data: During and after the upload process, you can add meta data.  Meta data is information like keywords (key phrases), tags, titles, location, etc, that will help people find your video.

Once you’ve finished these steps and the website indicates the video upload process is complete, people can watch your video. When people find your video and click play, it will stream down to his/her computer from YouTube’s servers.

If you have a Google account, you can start uploading videos to YouTube here.


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