Expat Penang Mingles at the Golden Sands

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There’s always something special about going to the Golden Sands. For one thing it’s one of the oldest hotels on the Batu Ferringhi Beach. In fact, fi fty years ago it was a resthouse rather than a hotel – a small, simple beach front establishment with plastic tablecloths and sauce bottles on the table.

Now the Golden Sands has grown into an elegant four star hotel with delectable food and a relaxed ambience. Both of these were much on display at the Penang Expat Mingles on 17th September. The Chef did us proud with a great variety of hot and cold finger food and the Wine Shop, who always supply their delicious wine for our Mingles, didn’t disappoint. I can’t speak for the beer (as I don’t drink it) but it seemed from the beams on the faces of those who did, that it was up to scratch.

I personally love networking and meeting new people which is what Expat Mingles is really all about. There were lots of new faces, as there are some interesting newcomers to Penang. But it was also great to touch base with old friends and hear about their holidays. I was delighted that so many members of the Malaysian German Society (MGS) attended as did many members from our main partners in the event, the International Women’s Association (IWA). We were very grateful to two members of the IWA, Charlotte Smart and Jenny Ng, who volunteered to be behind the welcome desk.

The Soap Cellar, whose premises are just a few doors down from the IWA, in Lembah Permai in Tanjong Bunga, provided us with door prizes of their hand-made organically sourced soaps and body washes. The Golden Sands also contributed prizes and so three lucky Mingles goers will be having lunch or dinner there at a time of their choice.

Source: Penang International October/November 2013

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