
MH370 Updates: 13-19 March 2014

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Day 6: 13 March

Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammudin Hussein and Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya confirmed reports the three large floating objects detected by China’s satellite imagery had nothing to do with MH370. The Chinese embassy replied saying the images were sent by mistake.

Hishammudin and Jauhari also denied reports by The Wall Street Journal who reported that U.S. officials suspected MH370 had flown for four hours after its last contact. This was based on data from the engines. Malaysian officials verified that both Rolls Royce and Boeing have worked with Malaysia Airlines and the records showed that the last Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS – a data program that is triggered during certain events especially when a problem occurs during a flight) transmission was at 1.07am and no other transmission was received beyond that.

Hishammudin also put three rumours to rest; that the U.S. would lead investigations, that one of the passengers on MH370 had a background in flying and that Code Tango (Sabotage) was activated.

Day 7: 14 March

Hishammudin confirmed that search and rescue has expanded into the Indian Ocean while still continuing operations in the South China Sea. He also confirmed that search has been expanded to the Andaman seas as a normal progression.

Day 8: 15 March

Prime Minister Datuk Sri Najib Razak held a press conference at the Sama Sama Hotel. He confirmed that based on satellite information, the ACARS on MH370 was disabled just before it reached the East Coast of peninsular Malaysia. The plane’s transponder was switched off shortly afterwards, near the border between the Malaysian and Vietnamese air traffic control.

“From this point onwards, the Royal Malaysian Air Force primary radar showed that an aircraft which was believed, but not confirmed to be MH370 did indeed turn back. It then flew in a westerly direction back over peninsular Malaysia before turning northwest. Up until the point at which it left military primary radar coverage, these movements are consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane”

“Today, based on raw satellite data that was obtained from the satellite data service provider, we can confirm that the aircraft shown in the primary radar data was flight MH370. After much forensic work and deliberation, the FAA, NTSB, AAIB and the Malaysian authorities, working separately on the same data, concur.”

The prime minister went on to say that based on the new data received; the last confirmed communication between MH370 and the satellite was at 8.11am Malaysian time on 8th March. Based on new data received, Malaysia’s aviation authorities together with their international counterparts have determined that MH370’s last communication with the satellite was in one of two possible corridors; a northern corridor stretching approximately from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to northern Thailand; or a southern corridor stretching approximately from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean.

He also said that the Malaysian authorities have refocused their investigation into the crew and passengers on board MH370, based on some new developments. He also said that despite reports that the plane had been hijacked, the authorities are still investigating all possibilities to determine the reason behind MH370 deviating from its original flight path.

Search and rescue operations in the South China Sea have ended.


Day 9: 16 March

According to Minister Datuk Seri Hishammudin Tun Hussein, the Malaysian authorities are contacting countries along the northern and southern corridors. These include Kazakhtan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and France.

The authorities conducted a search on the home of the pilot on March 15. Police are speaking with family members and are examining the pilot’s homemade flight simulator. Co-pilot’s home will also be searched. Authorities will also conduct an investigation on the passengers on board MH370.

Hishammudin says that no demands or ransom have been made which makes it difficult to determine if the plane has been hijacked or if this is an act of terrorism.

Both China and India have concluded their background checks on the passengers on board MH370 and cleared them.

Day 10: 17 March

Three French officials from the Bureau d’Enquetes et d’Analyses pour la securite de L’aviation civile (BEA) arrive in KL to lend their expertise and knowledge based on their experience from the search for Air France flight 447.

There are altogether 26 countries involved in the search and rescue operations. The Royal Malaysian Navy and the Royal Malaysian Air Force will deploy their assets to the southern corridor.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a diplomatic note to all countries along the northern and southern corridor requesting assistance in radar and satellite information, land, sea and aerial search operations and search and rescue action plans for relevant countries.

One of the possibilities police are looking into is that the captain and/or co-pilot may have tried to commit suicide. Again, this is a theory and there is no concrete evidence as of yet.

Day 11: 18 March

A French reporter sent the press room into fits of laughter when the reporter asked Hishammudin if he was the cousin of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib, and if he was protected. A baffled looking Hishammudin confirmed that he was indeed the prime minister’s cousin but had no idea what he was supposed to be protected from.

Another reporter asked if Anwar was linked to the missing aircraft and if he will be investigated. Hishammudin replied that the main focus from day one has been search and rescue. He also stated that the Anwar issue was raised by foreign press the Daily Mail and CNN and not him.


Another theory that has yet to be ruled out is the decompression theory that may have caused the pilot and crew to pass out. Malaysia Airlines also rubbished reports that a passenger on board MH370 used to be a pilot with the airlines before.

In regards to whether authorities think the missing MH370 could have been a one-man or pre-planned plot, Hishammudin reiterated that he did not want to speculate on anything.


Day 12: 19 March

The search and rescue in the Andaman Sea produced 400 radar contacts and no sign of aircraft debris or other clues.  The U.S. Navy has deployed a P8-A Poseidon, their most advanced surveillance plane to join in the search and rescue, with planes from Australia and New Zealand, to scan an area of 600,000 square kilometres off the southern Indian Ocean.

More updates to come.

Stories and quotes compiled from various reports from: The Malay Mail

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