“Gone Girl” takes up the story of Nick and Amy Dunne’s difficult marriage, which is floundering for several reasons. Nick, a former journalist of some seriousness, loses his job due to downsizing. In a somewhat desperate state of mind, he relocates himself and his wife from New York City to the small Midwestern town of North Carthage, Missouri, where Nick is from. There, he opens a bar, using the last of his wife’s trust fund, and runs it along with his twin sister Margo. The bar provides a decent living for the three Dunnes, but the Dunne marriage becomes more and more dysfunctional. Amy loved her life in New York and hates what she considers the soulless “McMansion” which she and Nick are now renting. On the day of Nick and Amy’s fifth wedding anniversary, Amy goes missing. Nick eventually becomes a prime suspect in her disappearance for various reasons: he used her money to start a business, increased her life insurance, and seems unemotional on camera and in the news.
Malaysian Release Date: 2 October 2014
- Ben Affleck
- Rosamund Pike
- Tyler Perry
- Neil Patrick Harris
- Emily Ratajkowski
Director: David Fincher
Trailer for Gone Girl:
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