12 monthly subscription boxes you can subscribe to in Malaysia

If you love the feeling of receiving mysterious parcels in the mail and that delightful thrill of anticipation when you open up a present not knowing what’s inside, a subscription box might be exactly what you’ve been missing from your life.
Whether it’s to try new products just for some variety, or because you are overwhelmed by decision-making and would like someone else to do that for you, here are some subscription boxes that you can get delivered right to your doorstep every month.
1. CubeCrate

CubeCrate has been featured before on Vulcan Post, and almost a year after their launch, they’re still going strong. Whether it’s skincare products, plushies or tasty treats, you won’t know what to expect until you open the box. There are even themes for certain months, such as a recent Mother’s Day box, and earlier in the year, a bright and colourful Chinese New Year package.
If you’re worried about getting your money’s worth or if the box just isn’t suited to your tastes, CubeCrate practises a 100% money back guarantee policy.
Subscription: Starting from RM35
Website: facebook.com/cubecratemalaysia
2. Pets My Heart

Our furry friends don’t have to be left out of the subscription box fun, and Pets My Heart is a great place to start. Dogs and cats come in all shapes and sizes, and Pets My Heart recognises this by allowing you to pick three different categories each for cats or dogs. The treats and toys in the boxes will then be customised to suit your pet. Better yet, they are very open to special requests, particularly when it comes to allergies or preferences that your beloved pet might have.
Subscription: Starting from RM69 (free shipping in West Malaysia)
Website: petsmyheart.com
3. Signature Snacks

Trying to lose weight and stay healthy but can’t stay away from snacks? Signature Snacks might be the answer to your desperate prayers. Their fresh, tasty and healthy snack mixes are an alternative to that emergency chocolate bar that you keep hidden in that bottom drawer. With over 70 different snacks to choose from, it’ll take you more than a year to sample all that they have to offer, and they add new snacks monthly, just to keep things exciting.
For a local twist, they even have flavours like “Spicy Limau Pulut Walnuts” and “Milo Gula Melaka Cashew Granola”. If you’ve ever wondered what those combinations of flavours taste like, this is your chance to find out. When looking at the products, you can click to find out more details, such as exact ingredients, nutritional facts and even a quick description of what each snack tastes like. To fully embrace the spirit of subscription boxes, there’s an “Add Surprise Snack” option before you checkout.
Subscription: Starting from RM79.90
Website: signaturesnack.com/my
4. BloomThis

It’s hard to say no to flowers, and BloomThis hits all the right spots with their gorgeous blooms packed lovingly into eco-friendly boxes. The flowers are delivered weekly, and you won’t know what you get until you open the box and untie the ribbon to see the individual loose packed flowers within.
Each box comes with two cards, one with a message and the other, details about the flowers and some simple tips on flower arrangement. There’s also a sachet of flower food to keep your blooms fresh longer.
Subscription: Starting from RM300 monthly for weekly deliveries
Website: bloomthis.co
5. Sweetcollab

Sweetcollab may be the new kid on the block for subscription box services, but don’t look down on what they have to offer. Their May package features several high quality locally sourced products such as the beautiful Pebble Paper Design notebook and Lilin+Co’s natural scented candles. According to Sweetcollab’s website, 5% of their gift sales go back to charitable establishments, which means you can buy a gift for someone special to make them happy and contribute back to society in the process.
Subscription: Starting from RM70
Website: sweetcollab.co

FUNKY! BOX has only been around for about two months, but their selections promise delightful randomness. The monochromatic themed box for the month of May contains, among other things, handcrafted soap, washi tape and coasters. Last month, they even did a detailed breakdown of each item in the box and the exact cost so you know exactly how much money’s worth you’re getting. They regularly feature the local vendors who made those items, and give you tips on how to use some of the things, which is a very nice touch.
Subscription: Starting from RM65
Website: thefunkyfactory.com
7. Cheer Parcel

Technically, Cheer Parcel isn’t a monthly subscription service at the moment, so it doesn’t qualify to be on this list, BUT it does launch new themes to choose from every month, and has the advantage of being customisable (for orders above RM50). The past themes included a Study Parcel, a Healthy Parcel and a Sleep Sweet Parcel. The new themes are revealed on the 20th of each month. Unfortunately, Cheer Parcel is currently on break until July 19 this year. However, fear not, pre-orders are still being taken for a mystery Raya Package.
Subscription: Starting from RM38
Website: cheerparcel.wordpress.com
8. Mythic Mana

Geeks and gamers rejoice, Mythic Mana is here to cater to the hoarder within and to kick-start your collection. Past boxes have contained toys, collectibles and even bobble heads. Subscribing is an easy matter of choosing your gender and then filling in your details.
The box for June is themed Mutants and will be featuring items from the X-Men Extended Universe and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The founders of Mythic Mana have a dream to form a community of like-minded geek and gamer collectors and this is part of their effort to introduce different brands that are unheard of or are rare in Malaysia.
Subscription: RM130 a month (with an additional RM 9.30 for shipping)
Website: mythicmana.com
9. Blaq. Coffee

Blaq. Coffee sources coffee beans from local small batch coffee roasters and then delivers them straight to your home. If you’ve ever wished that you could sample different types of coffee from all over the world in the comfort of your home, this is your answer.
There are two different subscriptions, one for espresso drinkers and the other is for what Blaq. Coffee calls “coffee tasters”. You can choose how large a box you wish to order based on your coffee consumption. There’s even a handy guide on the website for first time or inexperienced brewers.
Subscription: Starting from RM37.99
Website: blaqcoffee.com
10. Winetalk Wine Club

It can be very intimidating walking into a shop to buy wine. There’re just so many varieties, and you often end up buying a bottle out of embarrassment and then go home to find that it doesn’t even taste very good. Winetalk’s Wine Club hopes to address this issue by getting their own in-house sommelier to select wines to be sent to your house on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. You can choose from a minimum of three bottles a month or every two months, and you get to pick what mix you want, be it red, white, rosé or a combination of the three. Each case comes with free tasting notes from the sommelier so you have a guide on what you are drinking.
Subscription: Starting from RM242
Website: www.winetalk.com.my
11. VapeClubMY

Vaping is here to stay and VapeClubMY is ready with its own subscription box to provide for your vaping needs. Besides the obvious convenience of not needing to go into stores to get those vape juices, there’s the fun of being able to try new flavours each month. There’s the option of three, four or six bottles in each box, sourced from local and international brewers. If a particular bottle is to your liking, you can purchase it from VapeClubMY’s retail store.
Subscription: Starting from RM99.90
Website: vapeclubmy.com/store/box
12. Blissybox

This subscription box is actually based in Singapore, but they ship to Malaysia and since it’s so unique, we thought they deserve to be in this list. When that time of the month rolls around and you can hardly bear the thought of leaving the house to get the necessary supplies, Blissybox has got your back.
Besides supplying pads or tampons (or a combination of both), the boxes are also filled with all sorts of goodies to cheer you up, make you feel beautiful or have a quick munch on when your hormones are raging. Chocolate is a staple in the boxes, and you may be surprised with earrings, tea or even underwear.
We girls know that not all brands are created equal, and we definitely have our specific preferences when it comes to the pads and tampons we use. There are six different subscription plans available on the Blissybox website, and the choices are quite comprehensive, with most of the major popular brands available. There’s even an organic option, if you want to go green in every area of your life. It’s a simple matter of choosing your plans, customising it to your needs, and finally, filling in some simple information about your monthly cycle. The Blissybox is timed to arrive a week before you’ll actually need the main contents, though you can argue that we always need chocolate.
Subscription: Starting from RM24.21
Website: blissybox.com
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