KL traffic update: Watch out for the ostrich in the fast lane of the Federal Highway

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Instagram user @jeffsandhu posted this incredible video of an ostrich running along the Federal Highway this afternoon. The ostrich gives Malaysian drivers a run for their money near Bangsar South along the Federal Highway in Kuala Lumpur.
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Is the bird safe ?
From the video it doesn’t seem the ostrich “guy” was changing lanes. Just saying.
Teringat le pulak cerita kartun “ROAD RUNNER”.. pitttt… pittt..
Any reports of where it came from? Has it been rescued?
Hi Kyndal. The ostrich is fine now. It was rescued by a couple of motorists. It was on its way to a farm.
ExpatGo ; thanks for replying!
Adil Mansouri haha voila ce qui nous attend
Anything can happen!
Who uses signal here anyway?
Poor thing is probably terrified. I hope someone helped it! Where did it escape from?!
It escaped it’s transport truck! It was being moved to a new home but decided to make a run for it. The ostrich is safe now, though. ?
road runner comes into reality…
Please save her! It’s not funny at all to see that poor ostrich keep on running…
He’s locally trained to drive then!
Sandhya Ramakrishnan
I thought so you would tag me ?
Why are you running free on the road?
Coz im running away from a doctor ?
Hahaha.. i know this is a free country but you shouldnt be too free on the road ?
Deborah Fraser
T.I.A. Imran Nat Marta Barrera
Hahaha what’s the translation 😉
OMG where did it come from?!
The ostrich was being transported to a farm and it squeezed out of its pen. But it’s safe now. ?
GUYS IT’S A THING ON THE NEWS Syamil Azizi Daniel Andre
Thank you bird for lightening our daily burden of 1MDB, Hudud, 12 miliion donation to charity etc etc
Wow. it must be so scared right now. Hope someone rescued it soon.
Subramaniam Manikam is that your pm with his security detail behind
Everyday in traffic I think, ‘well, I’ve seen everything now’…..but apparently not!! Kind of bummed that I missed this 🙂
Hope this gorgeous creature has been rescued
No news yet Rania, stay tuned…
ExpatGo ok thanks, hope so, so sad to think of an Ostrich in the loose in KL.
rescued, it was from a farm in Semenyih
Still no news?
The ostrich is safe! https://www.expatgo.com/my/2016/06/17/ostrich-update-federal-highways-roadrunner-now-safe-sound/
Beep, beep Road Runner.
Beep, beep.
Beep beep haha
Malaysia may not be a utopia, but we can be ZOOTOPIA!
Has the bird been rescued?
No news yet Vic, stay tuned…
Hi Vic, the ostrich is now safe, by the way 🙂 https://www.expatgo.com/my/2016/06/17/ostrich-update-federal-highways-roadrunner-now-safe-sound/
Thank goodness ! Poor bird. Must be terrified to death
The owner says Chickaboo is doing well and is not in shock. So that’s great! 🙂
miep miep …
I saw choco bo running at the highway 😛 (Referring to Final Fantasy pet)
Angelina St Rose Deena Ahmed hahahahahah my cuzz
Is it for realzzz ????
Yes yes
Oh my !!! Hahahhahaa hot stuff ????
Alea Nasihin