ExpatGo’s favourite Raya 2016 commercials

Every year, many companies come up with their own special Hari Raya commercial – usually a short film that will make you bawl your eyes out, or laugh till you cry. Either way, you have to prepare for the water works.
As the years go by, these short films only get better, and this year is no different. Petronas, MAS, Astro, TM, TNB (my personal favourite), and more have upped the ante on their Raya stories.
Here’s a compilation of some of our favourite Raya commercials this year. We wish you all Selamat Hari Raya, from everyone here at ExpatGo!
Note: Some of these videos are in BM and don’t all come with subtitles – but you can just watch them without a translation since the powerful messages are quite clear anyway!
1. #Lepastu by Tenaga National Berhad (TNB)
Lepas tu translates to ‘and then’. TNB even released a couple of teaser videos leading up to the release of this commercial.
2. Vroom vroom by PETRONAS
How can you not cry watching this one? Someone get me some tissues!
3. Adik by Malaysia Airlines (MAS)
If you’ve been following our phrasebook series, you’d know that adik means little brother or sister. Now MAS might have to schedule more flights to prepare for more travellers this weekend.
4. Rezeki Yang Dikongsi Lebih Diberkati by Telekom Malaysia (TM)
The title roughly translates to ‘Shared sustenance is more blessed’; basically, ‘sharing is caring’. I dare you not to tear up while watching this – seriously.
5. Berikan Masa – Kisah Benar Zika by Astro Gempak
The title translates to ‘Give Me Time: Zika’s true story’. Cue the water works.
6. #Sarikatahati by Maxis
The title means ‘Subtitles of the heart’ and the tagline, bukan sebuah filem Raya translates to ‘not a Raya film’. Well, it is but the message is that Raya isn’t the only time of the year to love your family. So this is a Raya message for the whole year:
7. #bahuluemak by MYNIC
#mumsbahulu: Bahulu is a traditional madeleine that’s usually made for celebrations; mostly Hari Raya and Chinese New Year here in Malaysia. This creative ad sure hits all the right notes.
8. Pengacau Balik Raya by Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN)
‘Pengacau’ means troublemaker or intruder. This short story is a continuation of BSN’s series of commercials. The story revolves around the coming together of two worlds when Aloysius marries Zaitun. Here’s this year’s Raya intruder:
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