
Are You a Good Person? Here’s How to Find Out

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The defining characteristics that make a person good are pretty much exactly what you’d expect. How do you rate?

Ever wondered if you’re truly a good person? According to psychology, certain habits and traits can reveal a lot about your character, and the characteristics that these traits define are just about what you might expect them to be. According to psychologists, here’s a breakdown of key attributes that suggest you might be on the right path to being an all-around good person!

1. Altruism: You Help Others Without Expecting Anything in Return

Good people often engage in acts of kindness and generosity without seeking recognition or reward. This altruism is a strong indicator of genuine goodness, as it demonstrates empathy and a desire to improve the lives of others purely for their benefit.

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2. Gratitude: You Practice Being Grateful

Expressing gratitude regularly is another sign of a good person. Acknowledging the good in your life and being thankful for it fosters a positive outlook and strengthens relationships. Gratitude also encourages you to reciprocate kindness, perpetuating a cycle of good deeds.

Image Credit: UCLA Health

3. Honesty: You’re Truthful, Even When It’s Difficult

Honesty is a cornerstone of integrity, and it’s foundational to being a good person. Such people tell the truth even when it’s hard because they value trust and transparency in their relationships. This sort of honesty builds strong, reliable connections with others and promotes an environment of mutual respect.

4. Empathy: You Show Compassion and Understanding

Empathy and compassion are hallmarks of a good person. Being able to understand and share the feelings of others helps you respond to their needs more effectively. This emotional intelligence not only aids those around you, but also enriches your own emotional life.

Image Credit: Inc. Magazine

5. Responsibility: You Admit When You’re Wrong


Acknowledging your mistakes and learning from them is crucial. Good people don’t shy away from admitting their faults because they understand that growth and improvement come from recognizing and correcting their errors. Taking responsibility for your actions is an important trait.

6. Respectfulness: You Understand Others’ Differences

Respecting diversity and embracing differences in others is another important trait. Good people value varied perspectives and experiences, which fosters inclusivity and broadens their understanding of the world.

7. Reliability: You’re Responsible and Dependable

Taking responsibility for your actions and being someone others can rely on are key indicators of a good person. This reliability builds trust and shows that you’re committed to contributing positively to your community and relationships.

Image Credit: Hack Spirit

8. Advocacy: You Stand Up for What’s Right

Good people are often advocates for justice and fairness. They aren’t afraid to stand up for what they believe is right, even when it’s challenging or unpopular. This courage to act ethically, despite potential repercussions, speaks volumes about their character.

9. Humility: Recognizing Your Role

Humility is oftentimes an uncommon trait, particularly in a social media-fueled world that values self-promotion and personal branding. But humility shows that while you value your own achievements, you still understand that you’re just one voice in the chorus. Humility is about seeing the bigger picture, and keeping your own ego in check.

Image Credit: Ideapod

10. Patience: You’re Slow to Reach Frustration


This one can be easy to overlook, but psychologists say that patience is an important virtue. If you can confront delays, obstacles, or general everyday frustrations without actually getting frustrated or angry, it shows a good level of respect and understanding. It also reveals a depth of self-control and emotional maturity, both of which are key traits of good people.

11. Kindness: Do Unto Others…

You may have learned ‘The Golden Rule’ as a child, and it never goes out of style. At the heart of every virtue that defines a person’s goodness, ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ communicates a certain kindness or thoughtfulness that connects all these other traits. Being kind goes beyond being nice, too. We often use these words somewhat interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing, as kindness is an internal attitude that embodies genuine caring, not just a desire to appear pleasant or inoffensive. If you sincerely strive to be kind in all that you do, you’re not just succeeding at being a good person, you’re helping to make the world a better place for everyone.

Image Credit: Shutterstock via Aleteia

These attributes, rooted in psychological insights, offer a roadmap for evaluating your own goodness. Reflect on these habits and consider how they manifest in your daily life. Cultivating these traits can lead to a more fulfilling and morally grounded existence.

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