
7 Common Myths About Cancer Treatment

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Everyone knows someone with cancer or someone whose life has been affected by a loved one with cancer. Unfortunately, this high level of awareness is often misplaced, with many people believing anecdotal stories from friends and relatives or tales off the internet.

These myths often affect the decision for treatment or the treatment process. Often they create unfounded fears, resulting in delays in treatment that could have improved chances of recovery and reduced unnecessary suffering.

Here are some of the most common myths surrounding cancer treatment – and the truths behind them:

1. MYTH #1: Treatment Will Kill You, Not the Cancer!

The fear of side effects from cancer treatment specifically chemotherapy has stopped many people from seeking treatment that could have saved their lives. The truth is that the fears are mostly spread by people who have little or no knowledge of chemotherapy, or those who are trying to promote alternative medicine.

Most people are under the impression that chemotherapy is a long, painful procedure, where healthy cells get destroyed, leaving the body weakened. Chemotherapy can take many forms, depending on the type and stage of cancer. Treatment courses also depends on your condition.

For instance, chemotherapy for cancers of the brain, kidneys and colon are in the form of tablets, whereas breast cancer chemotherapy is administered intravenously or through injections, and via intramuscular means in gynaecological and hematological cancers.

Similarly, advanced devices such as the Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and the Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (ARC) provide targeted therapy right to the cancer, reducing damage to surrounding cells. The treatment is comfortable, where patients sit comfortably while a movable arm moves 3600 around the patient to the cancerous site.

2. MYTH #2: All Cancer Treatments Are the Same

Every treatment is different, even for the same cancer of the same stage. So your friend or relative’s experience may not be the same as yours.


The dosage and period of treatment will depend on height and weight. Patients who are smaller-sized will inadvertently need fewer medications, which translates into less cost. Patients who are healthy at the onset of their cancer or detect their cancer early, will also require less extensive treatments for other morbidities or to treat the cancer that has spread to other organs.

3. MYTH #3: The Side Effects of Cancer Treatment Are Unbearable

With advances in oncology, side effects of cancer are significantly reduced. Many patients are even able to continue working or doing their usual activities to keep their mind off cancer.

This is made possible due to deeper understanding of cancer and how treatment works to control the disease. Improved dosing knowledge, a wide spectrum of medications and early detection also contribute to a more comfortable treatment process. Bad side effects today are an indication of poor management, which calls for a review of your treatment plan.

4. MYTH #4: The Faster the Treatment is Completed, the Better the Outcome

There are no short cuts and every treatment is carefully measured in accordance to your condition. After a cycle, there is usually a period of rest to allow body cells to recover before continuing.

Intensive research has been put into setting up treatment protocols for different types of cancer. Brain cancer, for example, requires continuous treatment for five days, followed by one month of rest, whereas kidney cancer treatment runs for four weeks before a two-week break.

5. MYTH #5: It’s Best to Listen to the People You Trust Most, or those Who Have Been Through It Before

Support groups for cancer patients play an important role in helping you feel less alone or afraid. However, the real danger comes from everyone else around who may have your best interests at heart. You may be overwhelmed with all kinds of advice (Avoid meat! Go organic! Don’t drink cold water! Take this herb!) and health products from loved ones. It is best to seek your doctor’s advice before trying anything new.

6. MYTH #6: Alternative Medicine Offers a Gentler, More Natural Way to Cure Cancer

This is the most damaging myth as it causes patients to resort to allopathic treatment only at a later stage when the cancer has spread. The main problem here is the delay – the longer one waits, the lower the chances of recovery.

Some alternative therapies such as yoga or taichi for stress or pain relief can be used to complement treatment, but beware the healer who tells you to stop your medications or hospital treatments.

Even at the final stages, there are treatments to help provide comfort, relief and dignity.

7. MYTH #7: Cancer Is the Result of Modern Lifestyles, Hence Going Back to the Basics Can Help Prevent Cancer

Cancer is not a new or modern disease; ancient manuscripts dating 3,000 BC already contained descriptions of the disease and cancer signs have been found in Egyptian mummies. Hippocrates described tumours known as carcino and carcinoma, the Greek word for ‘crab’ because of its claw-like tendency to spread.


Advancements in cancer research have shown that certain genes may predispose people to certain cancers such as the HER2 gene in breast cancer, while certain food and lifestyle elements may increase cancer risks. This knowledge has helped create effective treatments and improve the quality of lives for people with cancer.

Having said that, however, pursuing a healthy lifestyle may delay the onslaught of cancer. The basics simply mean having a balanced diet preferably of fresh foods instead of processed foods, doing regular exercise and staying positive.


Dr M. Amir Shah
Consultant Radiologist & Oncologist
Gleneagles Penang

Source: The Expat Magazine March 2014

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