
The 11th Boh Cameronian Arts Awards

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The 11th Boh Cameronian Arts Awards will be held on the 27th of April, 2014. And this year, the awards will pay homage to the 1960’s; a historically exciting time in Malaysia’s creative progression by honouring three legends; Tan Sri P. Ramlee (1929-1973), Krishen Jit (1939-2005) and Dato’ (Dr) Usman Awang (1929-2001).

The awards this year will be held at Malaysia’s beloved Stadium Negara, the first indoor stadium ever built in Malaysia in the 1960’s and officiated by the country’s first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman.

“The arts is an inseparable and invaluable part of humanity, as it represents the identity of the culture and its society. It is an essential element of the human journey, the fruits of human accomplishments. This year’s theme dedicated to the ones that have influenced the growth and evolution of the Malaysian arts in the sixties,” expresses Low Ngai Yuen (President of Kakiseni) “I want to bring back the ‘seni’ spirit of that era, an era where there was freedom of experimentation and creative developments without limitations”.

The 10th BOH Cameronian Arts Awards last year saw over 150 nominees, attended by more than 400 arts practitioners and 1,000 audiences at Pavilion KL. DAMA Orchestra won most of the awards for the Musical Theatre category, Instant Café Theatre for Theatre category, Hands Percussion for Music Category and Nyoba Kan for the Dance category.

The 11th BOH Cameronians Arts Awards is celebrated by every artisan who have been involved directly or indirectly to supporting the development of the performing arts industry in Malaysia. A total of 35 awards will be presented to these categories in 2014; 7 for Technical which includes a new Technical Award for Musical Theatre, 5 for Dance, 7 for Music, 6 for Theatre and 6 for Musical and 4 for Kakiseni Audience Choice. The nominees  of the awards will be announced on the 2nd of April at Alexis Bistro and Wine Bar Gardens Midvalley, the technical awards will be presented on the 15th of April. The Cammies are judged by an independent panel comprised of reputable personalities in the performing arts industry. The tabulation of the awards are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).

“The future of this country belongs to those who have the imagination to create,” shares Ida Nerina (Director for The Boh Cameronian Arts Awards) “I am very grateful to the part of the project, as practitioner of the arts myself, I feel that we as Malaysians should reflect back from time to time and ingest our own heritage. I am thankful to all Malaysian artists and BOH in their efforts to keep pushing the performing arts forward. I dream of having creativity as this country’s international currency in the future”.  

Leading up to the Awards Night on the 27th, there will be on ground activities for the public to enjoy; from the 12th of April to 26th of April in specific malls and train stations in around the Klang Valley as part of a campaign to create awareness to the public called INSENITEA. The locations and timing will be revealed before the 1st of April on @kakiseniTweets or the website www.kakiseni.com and on social media Facebook fb.com/mykakiseni and #Cammies.

Kakiseni calls out to the public to share stories of how they remember these great artists; Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee, the late Krishen Jit and Allahyarham Dato’ (Dr) Usman Awang. The public can share their stories by posting it http://awards.kakiseni.com.


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