Building on the success of The Expat Group’s first JB Mingle, a second event was planned shortly thereafter.
The film follows eighteen-year-old Cayden Richards, who one day discovers that he has superhuman strength.
This time around, Ted (Seth MacFarlane) is attempting to raise a child with his sweetheart, Tami-Lynn.
A famous talk show host, a lonely single mother, a young and heartbroken girl, and a man who claims himself as a...
Here are three delicious seasonal fruits to try in Malaysia.
Here are five questions on the MM2H visa in Malaysia.
Malaysian waters border an area that is larger than India and as diverse as the Amazon rainforest. Hugh Ujhazy explores the coral...
As a greater number of foreigners choose to settle down in Malaysia, whether for work or to retire, the question of where...
The ambitious 2020 deadline for completing the high speed rail link between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur has been pushed back.
Be careful if you are one of those who do visa runs in Malaysia.
Check out these three food trucks in KL.
Want to see who you are sharing this foreign land with? Get acquainted with this expat from Texas, USA.