Shawn receives a message warning him of danger, telling him of the curse that has afflicted his family for generations.
A film about a young man named Lou Bloom who is desperate for work until one day he stumbles across the high-speed...
The film tells a story of love and deceit, set in Europe in the world of high-end art auctions and antiques.
The sight of packed petrol stations last night was all it took to alert everyone else that petrol prices were about to...
Celebrities, politicians, activists, models, millionaires and entrepreneurs; here are 28 famous Malaysians you should know.
Get ready for the new regulations on tinting for car windscreens and windows beginning November 1st.
Google Street View is finally available in Malaysia!
Our parent company, The Expat Group, has a limited number of new 12" Dyson fans available for sale. We are selling them...
Malaysia has plans to join the United States visa waiver programme in the next 18 months.
Architectural Digest, an online international magazine on designs recently published a list of some of the world’s most beautiful train stations.
Here are some common signs you may see on the roads and what they mean.
The world’s greatest fan is made in Malaysia: Dyson. No kidding! [Sponsored]