Thanks to the five foot wide covered ways that lined the streets, George Town used to be a pleasant, shady, cool place...
Let Kat Fatland be your guide into the importance the Pearl of the Orient has played in the Haji, the journey to...
Read about the Expat Penang Mingle held at the Golden Sands Resort.
A number of people living here under the Malaysia My Second Home programme contacted us to express their unhappiness that they were...
Lonely Planet recently released the names of 10 countries which they say are "unmissable" destinations in 2014 and Malaysia made the list.
The government announced a major crack down on crime a few years ago and we have seen a lot more police and...
A new entry in Langkawi's growing upmarket resort category, Ombak Villa by Langkawi Lagoon, has just opened. Read on to find out...
Reaching for the Stars at The Alice Smith School.
His Excellency Ruben Perez Valdes is a man who has witnessed the changes of the world first-hand. Read on to discover more.
Once you're tucked away and beguiled by Qba's charms, it certainly doesn't feel like you're in Malaysia!
Burgers reigned supreme at the last Expat Mingle, alongside an array of scrumptious goodies.
Subscription to The Expat magazine is free for all expats. But there is another option to ensure you get your magazine asap....