Working against corruption in your own country is tough enough, but imagine working against corruption in a foreign country, where the culture...
Celebrated in Malaysia for decades, luxury brand Braun Buffel recently held a fashion show in dedication to the brands tagline, "For All...
Want to see who you are sharing this foreign land with? Get acquainted with this expat from China and Australia.
The Problem with the Immigration Department's Computers
An excellent Business Class product and competitive prices are just two of the reasons why Sri Lankan Airline is worth considering when...
This is your chance to meet and greet with Nigel Redman, former England and Lions Rugby Player!
Outside of the tourist enclaves in Bali there are many pockets of serenity to be found, and Bryan Wawzenek has the inside...
Malindo Air's Turboprop Operations to Feed into Jet Operations
The Health Ministry is contemplating extending the operating hours of outpatient clinics in all public hospitals in hopes to reduce long queues.
Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, announced that a new crime prevention department will soon be established.
Datuk Nicol David, World No.1 for women's squash, is currently the only remaining Malaysian standing strong in the 2013 British Open squash...
Malaysia is a paradise of food, but many expats find that their waistlines take a hammering with the sudden influx of calorific...