The python - that, at 8m long could be the longest ever - which was caught in Penang a few days ago...
Grab has announced a new promotion, where, from 7-13 April 2016, every time you book a GrabCar using your credit/debit card, your...
A plan to degazette 29.98 hectares of the Sungai Putih Forest Reserve, to allow for the construction of the Sungai Besi -...
After learning about the tax regulations for expats in Malaysia, now it’s time to understand how you will be taxed by the...
In just a few short years, residents of Malaysia have seen the need for a car become become a lot less important...
TEG ( is a boutique media company focused on providing informative and entertaining stories about Malaysia. The online media team is currently...
Once you have decided to make the big move to Malaysia, you need to choose where to live and work: the most...
Filing and paying taxes can be daunting, especially if you’re an expat. So we’ve prepared this guide to help make this task a...
This month is set to be an exciting one with major events taking place around the country, from marathons to fun runs...
Internet service provider, TIME, has automatically upgraded the plans of users have been subscribed since before 23rd March 2016 in lieu of...
For anyone who has been struggling with their services for telecom, TV, internet, post or online gambling, you can now complain directly...
Plenty of people have been citing the recent article from Time magazine, in which Malaysia’s nasi lemak is featured as a healthy breakfast choice. The article...