Putrajaya, or officially the Federal Territory of Putrajaya, is the federal administrative centre of Malaysia and the seat of government since 1999. Kuala...
Kedah also known by its Arabic honorific, Darul Aman, or ‘Abode of Peace’ is found in northwestern Peninsular Malaysia, covering a total...
Selangor, also known by its Arabic honorific, Darul Ehsan or ‘Abode of Sincerity’, is located on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia...
Labuan, officially titled the Federal Territory of Labuan, is located off the coast of the state of Sabah in East Malaysia and comprises Labuan...
Terengganu, also known by its Arabic honorific, Dāru l-Īmān (“Abode of Faith”) is located in northeast Peninsular Malaysia. The state is bordered...
Perak, whose formal Arabic honorific is Darul Ridzuan (‘Abode of Grace’), is the fourth largest state in Malaysia and the second largest in...
Need a new party trick to leave your guests in awe? Then this is one video you should watch.
The ringgit was one of the worst performing currencies in Asia in 2014 and the trend has continued this year.
A recap of Bersih 4.0 held last weekend.
People in Johor will be able to enjoy free WiFi services at several hotspot areas.
Petrol and diesel prices drop by 10 sen and 15 sen per litre today.
Singapore and Malaysia, two countries once united. Two countries with much the same multicultural population and much the same heritage.