This month’s Chinese New Year celebrations usher in the Year of the Monkey. Frances Wilks explores the mythology of this fascinating god...
Penang's 19th-century Prangin Market and nearby shop houses have fallen into disrepair, and the canal has become silted up and polluted. But...
Marcus Langdon has just published the second volume of his magnum opus on the early history of Penang.
Malaysia's got some impressive contemporary artists but, fascinatingly, the roots of art here go back thousands of years.
Frances Wilks attends the Ideas Agent Meetup hosted by PenangPac.
Whether it’s a job or not, wellness has certainly invaded the holiday market.
Frances Wilks looks at the various options for entertaining the young of the species in Penang with options for the more mature...
Although the Hakka community hasn’t traditionally had as high a profile in Malaysia as the Hokkien or the Cantonese communities, there are...
Yesterday I enjoyed a beautiful high tea at the E&O Hotel. Nothing particularly out of the way about that you might think...
As a sciatica sufferer, I have found that there is no real once-and-for- all fix-it cure.
Matthew Bristow, the Headmaster of Uplands International School in Penang, looks to the challenges of the future while also celebrating the past....
A Visit to the Teochew Puppet and Opera Museum and a Look at Dark Skies in Penang.