Malaysia Airlines’ (MAS) new CEO will most likely be a foreigner from the airline industry.
Malaysian filmmaker Indrani Kopal’s documentary was the recipient of the Best Short Documentary award at the recent Harlem International Film Festival.
Zainal Abidin Musa, a Malaysian painter, discovers the excitement of travelling to the east coast during the monsoon season and tells Anis...
Walking by Interlude and peering in, you could be forgiven for thinking a meal there would deliver a hefty dent to your...
Though he's lived in Malaysia for many years, photojournalist David Bowden still finds himself surprised at the diversity and differences present in...
Nicole Kidman plays a Londoner who wakes up every day unable to remember anything about her life.
Shawn receives a message warning him of danger, telling him of the curse that has afflicted his family for generations.
A film about a young man named Lou Bloom who is desperate for work until one day he stumbles across the high-speed...
The film tells a story of love and deceit, set in Europe in the world of high-end art auctions and antiques.
If you are a fan of Jack Black, then you are in for a treat!
Paula Tan shows us around Malaysia's gateway to the east coast, and discovers a town filled with scenic wonders.
The sight of packed petrol stations last night was all it took to alert everyone else that petrol prices were about to...