A 20-month-old baby boy was kidnapped in Bangsar on Friday evening, 8 November 2013.
With the e-commerce industry growing locally and also globally, Malaysians now have more options when it comes to shopping online for fashion....
This Honda ad uses the right perspective and design to create amazing illusions. There is no computer animation and no photoshopping. Just...
In a recent research by Swiss-based international education company, EF Education First (EF), on the level of English proficiency, Malaysia was ranked...
If you’re looking to build a small business from scratch, or are interested in exploring an e-commerce solution, here’s some good news...
Moving to a new country often involves the introduction to a new language. Manveen Maan speaks to a few expats who have...
Many expats have tried their hand at starting a business in Malaysia. This month, we talk to a few of these enterprising...
Where can you find wholesome food in Penang? Read on to find out.
George Town is known across Southeast Asia for its rich history, but what is it that makes this city so historically distinct?...
Yearning for a little fun? Here are four places you should check out.
Firefly recently introduced its very own in-flight magazine.
The Expat Group's Founder and CEO, Andy Davison, was recently interviewed on the Business section of Malaysia.my.