Proper preparation for a health holiday requires a little more than for a regular holiday, and it’s of a different kind. Here...
Indian weddings are not just a typical one day event, but rather a week-long celebration. They are full of several rituals, colourful...
Frequent festival-goer, David Bowden, recaps his experiences from the eclectic Rainforest World Music Festival in Sarawak as it celebrates its 20th anniversary...
The education landscape is ever changing and expanding. Every year, there are more and more options to choose from for pre-university in...
So you’ve just been invited to a Chinese wedding and we have to say, you’re in for a treat! Generally, Chinese weddings...
Now that it's Raya, here’s a refresher on the ‘do’s and do-not's' when it comes to visiting a Malay home or attending...
A financial planner is qualified to highlight the most suitable solution for your needs, and monitor the progress along the way ensuring...
I’ve been thinking about the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of living here, from a reasonably critical but hopefully balanced...
After a relatively slow month in June, Malaysia is back with a bang in July with plenty of fun festivals and events...
Author of Malaysia’s Canvas: The Blistering Saga of a Flash in the Pan Art Revolution speaks about falling in love with Malaysia’s...
Malaysia has established itself as one of the top choices worldwide for those seeking medical treatments abroad.
Myanmar folk travel to hundreds of festivals every year – but the only elephant festival is at Kyaukse, one hour’s drive from...