Adam is a seemingly ordinary guy in a very extraordinary universe. Living from day to day, no one could have guessed that...
The Paperboy is based on a 1995 novel of the same name by American author Pete Dexter.
Passion and hard work brought Mohammad Red to the position he now enjoys as an established photographer. Read about his journey to...
Poor Klang has never really enjoyed the attention and celebration it deserves. But a glossy new book entitled Klang! will soon fix...
Twilight - Breaking Dawn - Part II is to be released in Malaysia on 22 November.
This animated movie features a group of heroes from various childhood stories.
Red Lights arrives in Malaysia on 15 November. The story follows a psychologist and her assistant who start to investigate a renowned...
This movie is based on the survival horror video game "Silent Hill 3", and is also the sequel to the 2006 horror...
Pitch Perfect, released in Malaysia movie on 15 November, follows a first-year university student named Beca
Finding Nemo is coming back in Malaysian cinemas on 8 November 3D!
Gangster Squad unfolds the story of a small secret crew of LAPD offers taking on a major mafia boss. Malaysian release date...
Find out when the major Hollywood movies are released in Malaysia cinemas and check out their plots, star casts, and trailers.