At birth, Chappie is kidnapped by two criminals with evil plans.
Daniel Trunkman, a hardworking small business owner travels to Europe with two of his colleagues to close the most important deal of...
Based on the Nickelodeon television series "SpongeBob SquarePants", this movie is the sequel to 2004's "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie".
Liverpool to play in a friendly match with Malaysian team.
The Jacksons will be heading to Kuala Lumpur again for another performance.
Lego enthusiast Adly Syairi Ramly created a series of miniature Lego characters by using his iPhone 5. Here are 20 you should...
The movie adaptation of the controversial Fifty Shades of Grey book is officially banned in Malaysia.
Will Smith plays Nicky Spurgeon, a professional con-man who takes on Jess Barrett (Margot Robbie) under his wing.
This movie is based on a comic book by Mark Millar.
Malaysian artist Red Hong Yi has come up with a brand new illustration.
Backstreet’s back! Best-selling boy band the Backstreet Boys will be heading to Malaysia again, as part of their “In A World Like...
Yes, you read that right. There might be a Hooters restaurant in Malaysia in the future.