Ben Stiller and director Shawn Levy return for more after-hours mayhem in this third outing of the successful "Night At The Museum"...
The epic conclusion to "The Hobbit" series will embark on another quest with Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield and the Dwarves.
Check out these 7 unique paintings from Malaysian artist Tan Shen Ru.
Malaysian singer Dasha Logan has made it to the No.2 spot on the UK Soul charts with her single Cleverly.
Southeast Asia’s largest music festival is set to reside across the causeway for the next three years.
A book review of "Home-baked Breads" by Ezekiel Ananthan.
There’s a new way to find out more about KL and what your friends say about this city.
A young Peruvian bear with a passion for all things British travels to London in search of a home.
April is unhappy that her dream to spend a romantic weekend alone with her boyfriend Kyle in her parents' cabin is ruined.
The story centers on a woman named June who recently is having lucid nightmares so awful they disturb her waking life.
From the moment Alexander wakes up, things just don't go Alexander's way.
A team of archaeologists explores a pyramid they found buried deep in the Egyptian desert.