A film about a young man named Lou Bloom who is desperate for work until one day he stumbles across the high-speed...
The film tells a story of love and deceit, set in Europe in the world of high-end art auctions and antiques.
If you are a fan of Jack Black, then you are in for a treat!
Celebrities, politicians, activists, models, millionaires and entrepreneurs; here are 28 famous Malaysians you should know.
Architectural Digest, an online international magazine on designs recently published a list of some of the world’s most beautiful train stations.
Here are some edutainment and enrichment activities around the Klang Valley you should check out with your precious bundle of joy.
Much has been written about the history of expat men in Malaya, but much less about the lives of the expat women....
In the film, Rosie Dunne and her best friend Alex take a leap of faith, both on life and on each other,...
In the 9th century a group of Vikings, commanded by captain Asbjörn, is approaching Britain, aiming to plunder the rich monasteries in...
After the death of a friend, a group of teenage friends are forced to face with the most terrifying nightmares they can...
The film is set during the last months of the World War in April 1945.
"The Rewrite" is a romantic comedy starring Hugh Grant and Marissa Tomei.