Ethan, an introverted boy whose family recently moved into a new house with a dark past begins a sexual relationship with the...
What is Badan Warisan Malaysia and how is it connected to Malaysia's history? Read on to find out.
The Expat Group's Senses of Malaysia magazine was honoured once again at the 2012/2013 Malaysia Tourism Awards gala dinner held last night.
Eng Peng Yeo is a magnificently talented and widely renowned artist in Malaysia, and since the mid-1990s, has been internationally celebrated and...
Taylor Swift is coming to KL in June this year for a concert!
We have just been advised by the pr agency assisting the Laureus Awards that the Beckhams may not attend the awards ceremony...
Ms. Genie in a bottle, Christina Aguilera and Craig David will be making their way to Kuala Lumpur next month in conjunction...
Getting bored of running on a treadmill to keep fit and to lose weight? Why not try Zumba? Here are 10 places...
David Beckham and his wife Victoria Beckham, Eva Longoria, Morgan Freeman and more celebrities will be coming to Malaysia next month in...
In March this year, Kuala Lumpur will play host to the 15th edition of the Laureus World Sports Awards.
Punk Princess Avril Lavigne will be in KL next month for a concert in Stadium Merdeka.
Need a venue to watch the big games this Saturday? Here's 5 reasons why you should be at Carlsberg's Live Viewing Party...