Rose Hathaway is a dhampir, half-vampire and half-human, who is training to be a guardian at St Vladimir's Academy along with many...
"The Book Thief" centers on Liesel Meminger, a spirited young girl who witnesses the horrors of Nazi Germany while in the care...
Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the...
David is a smart kid in high school but he is finding dating hard. He is drawn to Jessie, the popular girl...
The Expat January Mingle takes place this Wednesday, 22 January, 2014, at Twentyone kitchen+bar. Are you coming?
The upcoming 2014 Formula 1 Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix will soon take place at the Sepang Circuit with DJ Calvin Harris headlining...
Set in Los Angeles, slightly in the future, the movie follows Theodore Twombly, a complex, soulful man who makes his living writing...
Based on the failed June 28, 2005 mission "Operation Red Wing." Four members of SEAL Team 10, were tasked with the mission...
In a crime-ridden city, Alex Murphy, a fatally wounded cop returns to the police squad as a powerful cyborg named Robocop with...
"I, Frankenstein" is an Australian/American horror/thriller film written and directed by Stuart Beattie, based on the graphic novel and original screenplay by...
The film tells the story of two brothers living in a mill town in the economically depressed Rust Belt.
When Ryan believes he's uncovered a Russian plot to collapse the United States economy, he goes from being an analyst to becoming...