In this high-stakes thriller, Adam Cassidy is a charming, blue collar guy trying to get ahead in his entry-level job at Wyatt...
After failing to get into the police academy, Chris Potamitis settles for a security guard job with the EMPIRE STATE Armored Truck...
Betrayed by his own kind and left for dead on a desolate planet, Riddick fights for survival against alien predators and becomes...
The film picks up where the original has left off, with the friends having rekindled their friendship after meeting each other at...
Six bizarre, interesting, and adventurous things people can attempt to do when they are in Kuala Lumpur or the Klang Valley.
Learn where this Malaysian artist gets her inspiration and passion for at from.
These Malaysian cities are easily identifiable when looking at pictures of the cityscape. That being said, can you name these cities from...
Genting Highlands will be closing down its outdoor theme park to make way for the construction of a brand new 20th Century...
Wi-Fi in Malaysia is crucial, as it allows us to stay better connected to high speed internet on-the-go. Most modern nations today...
The Genting Group will be closing its present outdoor theme park on 1st September 2013, to begin building a 20th Century Fox...
Prominent sporting events that take place throughout the year in Malaysia.
A lot of people in Malaysia watch movies on their computers. However, a common problem people encounter with this is the lack...