Based on the second novel in the "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" series, this sequel to "The Lightning Thief" chronicles the adventures...
In this sequel, the evil wizard Gargamel creates a couple of mischievous Smurf-like creatures called the Naughties.
A host of musicians from around the world are billed to contribute their own special flavor of music to the upcoming Kota...
P1 is one of the major broadband providers in Malaysia. This post intends to help you make the best decision about whether...
A brief look at some of the best athletes in Malaysia in different fields of sport. is the largest online shopping website in the world, and they ship some of their products to Malaysia. Before discussing that,...
A 26,000 square foot Angry Birds theme park located in Komtar JBCC Johor Baru is scheduled for completion in May 2014.
Whether you are looking for tales of adventure with a dash of humour, or handy hints about making that big move to...
Read more about the author of 'No Cure for the Travel Bug' and 'Catch the Travel Bug.'
Despite developing in distant Europe, the art deco craze reached tropical Malaya, and Pat Fame looks at the history of the movement...
Penang's annual festival of arts, culture, and heritage spans a period of a month (7 June to 7 July) and is a...
Looking for a quick and easy way to enjoy the sights and sounds of Kuala Lumpur? Check out some of the new...