Amid rising worries over the Delta variant, a comprehensive new analysis from the US brings a welcome dose of excellent news for...
A big step in the right direction with this latest development now involves a large part of the community that have been...
The Delta variant is stronger, more formidable, and far more contagious than any strain of Covid we’ve yet encountered – and it’s...
Bangkok’s Covid-19 train wards will serve as ‘isolation centres’ for patients who are currently on waiting lists for hospital beds. The Bangkok...
The United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and China are among the countries donating millions of doses of life-saving vaccines to Malaysia. Some...
Adopting a ‘living with Covid plan,’ Singapore’s revised rules include health and treatment protocols that will allow for quarantine-free travel. Singapore’s government...
Rising new daily case numbers don’t mean the vaccines aren’t effective and shouldn’t be a reason to doubt the urgent need for...
If the findings are even close to accurate, 4 million dead would be India’s worst mass casualty event in modern history by...
Treasured by Filipinos worldwide, many came out in arms over their unofficial national dish being used as a “political gimmick.” Just last...
An unbalanced focus on daily new cases is both incomplete and highly misleading. Here’s a better way to approach the data. Distilling...
Turning heads in amusement and surprise, a Sarawakian influencer turns his vaccination process into a light-hearted mini-documentary. Bringing some much-needed chuckles to...
The successful conservation of giant pandas was accomplished through education, dedication, and sheer political will. Decades of committed and challenging conservation work...