Despite being a founding member of ASEAN, this sprawling collection of islands has had a dramatic and often difficult journey to the...
The tropical islands of the Philippines have all the makings of castaway fantasies as Petra O’Neill discovers on Palawan and Boracay, while...
Few travel experiences can inspire quite as much awe as hiking to the top of a mountain, but that feeling of wonder...
People have been slinking away from the heat of the city and into the cool air of the Cameron Highlands for more...
Why is a British veterinary surgeon sawing up bamboo poles for sun bears in Sabah? This is the story of how a...
Describing Ipoh as Malaysia’s renaissance city whose ‘coffeehouses and heritage houses are staging a long overdue comeback’, Lonely Planet sings praises for...
Brad Glass is an American writer and director living in Penang. His current stint on the island has lasted four years but...
The Government of Vietnam has announced that it is extending its visa exemption program for UK passport holders for single-entry stays of...
Ian Mackenzie looks into the regional culture of Johor Bahru’s seafood villages and wonders how much longer they will be around, given...
Malaysia's southern-most state, Johor, has its own a unique set of characteristics to be discovered.
The earth is littered with some breathtaking natural formations. We take a look at some incredible, natural sites found right here in...
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has increased its flight capacity between Kuala Lumpur and Amsterdam with aims to boost tourism for both countries....