In the summer of 1948, following years of unrelenting worldwide war and the subsequent withdrawal of Japanese forces, Malaysia (then called Malaya)...
Since the first flames were sparked off rocks in the days of the cavemen, people have cooked over fire, and even today,...
There is nothing as aromatic and satisfying as a cup of freshly-brewed coffee, and for many of us, the morning just can't...
Indulge in this delicious lunch set all through July at Edo Ichi Sushi.
Pub grub is getting a bad name. A term that used to denote a hearty meal in a cosy pub has been...
When you show up at a Japanese restaurant, chances are you have a few preconceptions of what you'll be seeing on the...
International Living, a newsletter started 30 years ago to offer advice to Americans on the many places to work or retire overseas,...
Chalk up another rousing installment of The Expat Mingle! Held in May at Chinoz in Bangsar Shopping Centre, this Mingle was a...
I recently met an expat who was quitting his job in Malaysia because he was not happy with the way he was...
"I love my hometown of Penang very much. The 'Pearl of the Orient' gets its name because of the island's scenic beauty...
January 17 - January 19
Sands Expo and Convention Centre
10 Bayfront Ave., Marina Bay Sands
February 22 - February 23
Merdeka Hall