Billy and Nick are salesmen whose careers have been torpedoed by the digital world.
The story of Steve Jobs' ascension from college dropout into one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century.
When we last saw junior assassin Hit Girl and young vigilante Kick-Ass, they were trying to live as normal teenagers Mindy and...
Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and women in Kuala Lumpur will be pleased to know that De Beers has opened its...
Sandip Das, the CEO and Director of Maxis has quit the Malaysian telecom company. Sandip Das has been with Maxis for six...
Indulge in a world class feeling when you travel with KLM's new World Business Class! Enjoy a full-flat seat, new carpeting, new...
A trip to Langkawi is heaven thanks to its beautiful beaches, duty-free shopping, and exciting attractions for the entire family, and of...
There has been a lot of bad press on taxi drivers in Malaysia, especially with the recent rape of an American woman...
Malaysia's Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, extended his congratulations to the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis.
The fifth Victoria's Secret Beauty & Accessories store in Malaysia is now opened at the Penang International Airport.