Add another side effect of climate change to the list of unwelcome things that we can look forward to as the planet...
Malaysia is home to some dangerous animals, be it in the jungle or in urban settings. So it's a good idea to...
According to Bloomberg Business, the world’s first dengue vaccine has been approved after 20 years of research.
Clinical tests are being carried out on several dengue vaccines.
Last year, the number of dengue cases reported in this country rose to 100,000 from under 40,000 in 2013.
Selangor has received a dengue warning from the ministry of health.
Doctors should look out for these 4 symptoms when treating patients for dengue.
French drug maker Sanofi Pasteur claims to have developed a vaccine against dengue that will be ready by next year.
Kitchen dish drainers have been added to the list of prime breeding spots for Aedes mosquito larvae.
The Malaysian Government is going all out to curb the rising number of dengue cases.
In the first eight months of this year, the number of reported cases in Selangor rose 25% to 8,694, and in KL...
Dengue fever is more of a risk than people realise. Ashleigh Seow uncovers the history of the pesky mosquito and offers a...