Malaysia ranked 14 among the world’s 15 happiest economies.
Have you filed your taxes yet?
Various financial institutions have been reducing their projected GDP growth estimates for Malaysia.
According to an article in Fortune Magazine, Malaysia is one of seven emerging markets worth putting your money in.
The World Bank Group will open an office in Kuala Lumpur.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak presented a revision to the 2015 Budget.
Some Malaysians were asking for the repeal of the country’s Sedition Act, which has come under a lot of criticism from some...
Sarawak has been the subject of repeated negative stories in the international media, mostly about the level of corruption that exists there,...
Creating a successful business hub is not easy. But with the right environment and the right partners, a supportive ecosystem, and a...
InvestKL’s target is to attract 100 major multinationals to set up operations here by 2020.
The Expat Group and NKRA Against Corruption recently hosted a roundtable discussion event.
Malaysia moved up three places on Transparency International’s 2014 Corruption Perception Index.