The film follows Greg Gaines, an aspiring filmmaker as well as an awkward high school senior who is forced by his mother...
After receiving a cryptic message from an unknown source, Bond is set to uncover the layers of a sinister organisation known as...
A photographer for Life Magazine is assigned to shoot pictures of James Dean.
Boarding schools are becoming increasingly popular, as many parents are realising that boarding can provide major advantages for their children. [Sponsored]
Many of our readers have asked ‘What is it like to live in Cyberjaya?’ – so we have done some research… 1....
Malacca Expatriate School (MES)celebrated its 35th anniversary by staging a 70-minute musical entitled “Out of this World’.
At the recent Pearson Medallion Awards Ceremony, five pupils from Marlborough College Malaysia received awards.
The Expat Penang Mingle at Penang's Blue Mansion.
House singing is the most-heavily contested inter-house competition across the academic year here in KTJ, which draws hundreds (and even thousands) annually...
GrabCar is making their service even more convenient. JYou can now pay with your credit card or debit card. [Sponsored]
On the 10th of July, a sunny Friday afternoon, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) students of class 2013 at Sri KDU...
Congratulations to ISKL students on their excellent results from 2015 exams!