After Thomas and the remaining Gladers make it out of The Maze in "The Maze Runner", the group find themselves faced with...
Directed by Kevin Greutert, the film follows a pregnant woman who moves to a vineyard with her husband but begins to experience...
An action thriller movie about a businessman and his family who are trapped in a war zone area.
InvestKL was established to attract larger multinationals to set up regional operating centres in Malaysia.
Malaysia's MRT project is about 65% complete according to the CEO of the project.
Malaysia managed to achieve a GDP growth of 4.9% in the second quarter of 2015, which was a little higher than many...
The Expat Group is seeking a motivated individual to apply for the role of an admin clerk with our company.
We welcome either current university students or recent graduates to apply for an online editorial internship.
The Perseid meteor shower is expected to occur tonight, August 12.
The Kuala Lumpur City Grand Prix which took place over the weekend was an exciting spectacle.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak would like you to share your views and ideas for the upcoming 2016 Budget.
Several areas in Selangor will face water supply disruption due to temporary works being carried out at water treatment plants in Sungai...